The ENRICH in Africa Centre: A Place Where African and European Innovation Actors Connect

Essentially, ENRICH in Africa (EiA) is about connecting the African and European innovation ecosystems and promoting joint learning and prosperity. On this ambitious journey, the project is just the beginning, firing the starting pistol and paving the way for the ENRICH in Africa Centre, a sustainable business where all efforts come together. 

The EiA Centre will be built by a competent team: the EiA consortium consists of African and European partners, who are already delivering successful services on the ground. They have come together to pool their knowledge and strengths for the common purpose of providing enhanced value and sustainable benefit for the community as a whole. Incubators and accelerators connected to the consortium will act as the first EiA Champions, members of an exclusive network that will expand as the Centre grows. 

During the project phase, the main infrastructure will be set up and a set of support services for innovators trialled. Partners will follow a client-centred approach, constantly evaluating and aligning services to ensure they meet customer needs and match the EU-Africa collaboration context. The piloted model will then be consolidated in the EiA Centre which will thus become a sustainable organisation providing true value to the Africa-EU innovation landscape. 

At the heart of the EiA Centre stands its digital backbone: a central virtual hub through which all services offered by EiA can be accessed. It provides the necessary digital infrastructure to connect local innovation actors, academia, government and civil society and offers opportunities for learning and interacting. 

Coming soon!

Stay tuned for more information and the latest updates on the project’s progress



EiA Community on Bpifrance EuroQuity


A Network Made of Champions for Innovation