Funded by the European Union (Horizon 2020 programme), ENRICH in Africa is a project designed to bring together core stakeholders from both regions, in order to support and strengthen the European and African innovation ecosystem.

The ENRICH in Africa project will run from 2021 to 2023, focusing on three main phases. The first phase draws together the expertise of our core partners to develop and pilot activities that can demonstrate impact and value.
These activities will then be launched in the second phase of the project, when the services will be opened to the wider community.
Phase three will then build on this solid foundation of knowledge and services, to set up the ENRICH in Africa Centre which will be the sustainable outcome from the project.

2023 ENRICH in Africa Congress comes to Brussels!
Not able to join in person? Watch the live stream above.
EU and AU representatives inaugurated the ENRICH in Africa Center in Cape Town to build and strengthen bridges between European and African innovation ecosystems

Who we are
The ENRICH in Africa Project has brought together many of the key actors within the African and European innovation ecosystem to act as partners in the development of this exciting initiative.
Africa – EU collaboration
ENRICH in Africa builds on the work of the Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership (AEIP) as well as the existing ENRICH network to bring together knowledge, learnings and key stakeholders from the innovation landscape of Europe and Africa, for the benefit of those within it.

With our ever-expanding partnerships, we engage and work with a wide variety of existing and sucessful incubators and accelerators in both the EU and Africa. Following a co-creation philosophy, our key aim is to connect our Champions with each other to jointly design and learn from capacity-building services. Those who become our Champions are then able to access all the benefits of the ENRICH in Africa activities and services.
We will soon be launching the application process to extend our network of Champions. Stay tuned and watch this space!
Accelerators & Incubators
Business support actors are excellent intermediaries in support of a strong and connected EU-Africa innovation ecosystem. We select and connect key incubation and acceleration organisations on both continents to work as ENRICH in Africa Champions.
Entrepreneurs & Innovators
Entrepreneurs from Africa and Europe stand at the core of ENRICH in Africa’s actions. Female entrepreneurship has our specific attention through our women’s entrepreneurial support programme and Open Innovation Challenge offering.
Investors & Corporates
Working with actors within the local economies aims at facilitating entrepreneurial and business solutions coupled with market development. ENRICH in Africa helps innovators to connect with investors and corporates increasing chances for successful outcomes and scaling of solutions.
Innovation Facilitators
ENRICH in Africa involves key stakeholders representing the full triple-helix of business, academia, and governance in its activities. A strong, holistic EU-Africa innovation ecosystem ensures that the work done with incubators is sustainable and integrated into the wider economic landscape.

Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership
The Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership (AEIP) aims to connect high-quality tech hubs from both continents.
African European Digital Innovation Bridge Network (AEDIB|NET)
The AEDIB|NET project has the objective to strengthen a common African European digital innovation ecosystem and promote intercontinental dialogue.
ENRICH Centres
ENRICH is a global network of centres and hubs that promotes the internationalisation of European science, technology and innovation.
AU-EU Digital 4 Development Hub (D4D Hub)
The EU launched the Digital for Development (D4D) Hub, inaugurating a new era for the global digital cooperation.
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale.
Mowgli Mentoring
A specialist mentoring organisation making effective mentoring available and accessible to entrepreneurs.
CUBE IN is a platform helping European SMEs with business and innovation in emerging markets.
Zarttalent Foundation
Zarttalent is on a mission to empower youths with tech skills and enable them to access global IT opportunities while boosting their local economies.
WAZIUP e.V. is a non-profit organization promoting cutting-edge technologies and capacity building toward emerging countries.
HUBiquitous is an Innovation Action aiming at creating a joint Africa-Europe Startup & Innovation Ecosystem for long-term collaborations and partnerships.

“We believe that there is power in building networks to co-create sustainable solutions and drive real changes in our innovation landscape. Hence, we are excited to work with top organisations in Africa and Europe, who also share this belief, to create stronger innovation ecosystems in both regions as well as facilitate valuable exchanges between both ecosystems.”
Damilola Tedi–Ayoola – Director Start-up Support at Co–Creation Hub
"We are thrilled to contribute to such a high-scale program reinforcing and linking African and European entrepreneurial ecosystems. The synergies between the 2 continents are too great to miss and we are bringing the best ingredients to make the magic happen.”
Ilias Khoukhi - Projects & Expertise Division Manager at Bond'innov